
1. Keep it clean.

While this community is oriented toward mature players, out of respect for all players’ sensibilities, profanity and NSFW topics or content are not allowed.

2. Keep it civil.

Again, out of respect for all players, we ask that controversial topics be avoided, and we will not tolerate rude, threatening, or abusive behavior.

3. No spam.

This includes inappropriate, promotional, and excessive messages, both private and public.

4. Respect others.

Harassment, bullying, and derogatory language will not be tolerated.

5. Respect ownership.

Any territory, items, mobs, and builds (“property”) belong to the player who has claimed them, whether formally or informally, so long as the claim is reasonably clear.  Any private property used, taken, or destroyed without the owner’s approval will be in violation of this rule.

Mark any chunks you are claiming in the in-game map by pressing ‘M’ to open the map and right-clicking on the chunks you want to claim.

6. Be courteous.

We have finite space, resources, and processing power.  Please be mindful of how your actions affect other players (e.g. claiming large areas of land, building laggy contraptions, running server resource-intensive farms while other players are online, etc.).

7. Building restrictions.

To manage our world size and file storage, we often trim unused chunks from our world.  Chunks that have been loaded for less than 5 minutes in total in the Overworld and Nether, and any chunks more than +/-500 blocks from 0, 0 in the End are deleted and reset when trimming.

8. Inactive players.

Players who have not logged on to the server for 90 days or more may forfeit any claimed property.  When a player is marked as inactive, they will be removed from the whitelist, have their claims revoked and have their player data removed from the server.

Whenever a claim is forfeited, a moderator will make an announcement declaring the inactive player’s property available to the public.  Any property taken before this announcement is made will be a violation of Rule #5.

If you intend to be aware from the server for more than 90 days, please speak with a moderator prior to or within this 90-day period to make any necessary arrangements.

Players MUST be in the Discord server, as this is our primary means of communication with server members!  Leaving the Discord server will result in being immediately marked as inactive.

9. No streaming.

Out of respect for the privacy of our players, as well as the casual nature of our server, streaming or recording on the Genesis server is not permitted.

10. Be mature.

This server is intended for adults.  While we don’t enforce a strict age limit, players are expected to behave in a mature manner.  General disruptiveness may be grounds for discipline at moderator discretion.

11. New players.

In order to be whitelisted, join our Discord and click the “Whitelist me, please!” button in the #welcome channel in order to open a ticket for whitelisting.  Make sure to provide the codeword “KOOKABURRA” in this ticket to verify that you’ve read these rules.  You will NOT be prompted for the codeword, so you must provide it of your own accord!